News Archives - 2010
2010.12.19 - It's Been 4 Years...
4 years ago today I began a project of epic proportion. A Classic Mega Man fan game that is essentially the game that I originally
downloaded Game Maker for in order to create, only far greater. And in those 4 years... well, a lot has happened, and a lot has changed.
But I never abandoned the project.
So finally, at long last, after many delayed release dates, I am now able to present to you the result of my 4 year endeavor. That's right. 4 years to the day since the project began, SuperDanny 2 has been released! Somehow... it feels like I should have more of a speech ready for such a grand occasion, but at the moment all I can think of to say is that I hope you enjoy it, for it is undoubtedly my greatest creation. So, get downloading! 2010.05.27 - 4th Anniversary
Today is the 4 year anniversary of Blyka's Door! While I feel the site has matured a great deal in that time,
it's a shame that the only real new games since opening are Star Man and Star Man -Upgraded-...
but so it goes in game development I guess. Other games have been in development for several years now though,
so hopefully the site will be seeing some exciting new additions during its 4th year.
In celebration of the occasion I have created a boss preview trailer for SuperDanny 2; check it out! As for SuperDanny 2's progress, I completed all 30 bosses last week and am moving on to enemies, which I'm hoping will go relatively quick since they have all been done on the old engine and just need to be recoded into the new engine. All in all I think progress is going well, and I'm still aiming for a summer release. 2010.03.13 - Status Report
No new content to speak of, but I figured it was probably time for an update on SuperDanny 2's progress. :P
As I said in October last year there are always inevitable delays and setbacks, due to which the game is in fact not close to completion yet (shock shock). Time consuming personal events and winter's gloom have taken a huge toll on progress. Work is and has been proceeding however, slowly but surely. The plan is still to have it finished this year- maybe sometime this summer. I've been setting possible release dates for this game ever since it started in 2006 so I wouldn't want to make any promises, but as I also said in October there are no more major obstacles preventing the game's completion so it's only a matter of time. |