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News Archives - 2006
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2006.09.04 - Still Here
No, I'm not dead, nor did I lock the door. My excuse for not updating in several months is...
Well I'll skip past excuses and onto the update.
For solid content, I updated the resource page with a tile sheet for the NES Super Mario Bros.! It's complete with all of the game's non-animated graphics. Also, to prove I have been doing something in the programming department, here's a blurry screenshot of 4 Work-In-Progress games. All of these games are in very early stages of development (and yes, the one in the bottom-right corner will have graphical changes), but they're all in progress, so at least one of them will become a future release for Blyka's Door.

2006.05.27 - Blyka's Door Opens!
Come in and enjoy the collection of games, examples, resources, and a variety of other things related to Game Maker. Though the site lacks major content at the moment, I hope it will grow into something more respectable in the future.

The Mechanical Maniacs Protodude's Rockman Corner Sprites INC
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